March 26, 2025

How Handwriting & Journaling Can Save Your Life! (…ish)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I currently have 3 journals:

  • A two-year daily journal where I write a few sentences each day.
  • A more detailed, guided journal where I answer the same questions each day, then have a page to “free write.”
  • A weekly journal where I include pictures to recap highlights (or lowlights) of the week.

Why? Because it feels amazing! And, though I can’t make any medical claims, I feel like moving back to paper and pen had helped improve my memory and retention of information. 🤷🏼‍♂️

There are many benefits of handwriting and journaling. Whether you’re looking for a way to boost your creativity or simply want to relax and reflect on your day, handwriting and journaling can be great options. So grab a pen and paper, and let’s get started!

Handwriting is a great way to relax and de-stress, as it has the power to help focus and calm the mind. Making physical notes can be very beneficial for relieving tension. Putting thoughts into words on paper can provide clarity and help clear the head. Writing down a challenge or stressful situation can help you gain perspective and figure out a better way to handle it. (I do this a lot when I’m working through a challenging situation.) Being able to reflect on our lives through a handwritten journal also helps us assess our goals and decide where we want to go from here.

Writing things down by hand has a powerful and underrated effect on our minds. Studies have actually shown that, compared to typing, handwriting can help improve memory and concentration. For example, handwriting forces us to be more engaged as our brains are forced to slow down and focus on the task at hand. It also helps us store information more accurately in our long-term memory – something that is harder to accomplish by typing a paragraph quickly. Most importantly, writing allows us to process information internally and make sense of it — making it easier for us when we need to retrieve it later on. So get your notebook and pen ready – it’s time to unlock the power of handwriting!

Journaling can be a helpful and creative outlet. Taking the time to record your thoughts and experiences on paper is not only therapeutic but also offers you an opportunity to express yourself in an organized manner. A journal helps you process and reflect upon the events of your life, providing clarity and developing insights into how you feel and think about certain issues.

Writing by hand has always been a great way to organize your thoughts and ideas, but now more than ever, it is becoming an incredibly beneficial tool. Journaling is so much more than just documentation; it helps you plan out future projects and keep track of what needs to be done in order to accomplish that goal.

Writing by hand is a great way to practice self-care and stillness in your life. Taking the time to put pen to paper can help you slow down and appreciate the beauty in every moment. Not only that, but research has proven that handwriting can be beneficial for better focus, improved memory, and even elevated moods!

Writing by hand is a blast! Doing so is a great way to get creative and express yourself in both meaningful and whimsical ways. With each stroke of the pen or pencil, you can craft your thoughts on paper while utilizing calming visuals like colorful writing utensils and stylish stationery. If drawing isn’t your strength, practice makes perfect—and don’t forget how much fun it is to experiment with fonts, designs, and textured paper types.

If you’re looking for a way to reduce stress, boost your memory, and have some fun, try handwriting! Whether you use a journal or just jot down some notes, the benefits of handwriting are sure to help you in both body and mind. So go ahead and pick up a pen – your brain will thank you for it.

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